Whether you’re new to EITC or are looking for best practices for implementing EITC at your school/scholarship organization, this page is for you!


Educate your community about the value of EITC. Show prospective donors how the program has positively impacted your school and the larger community. Help donors understand that they can receive a refund on their PA taxes and help economically disadvantaged kids afford private school tuition taxes by participating in the program.


Share Your Story. What is your school’s competitive advantage? What sets you apart from other schools? How many students are being served by EITC? How many more could be served through new donors? How many families are turned away each year who could be served through new donations? Share your school’s performance metrics: academic successes, graduation statistics, etc. Give donors a reason to choose your school.


Fundraise. To participate in the EITC program, schools must fundraise, soliciting donations from businesses, corporations, and individuals in the form of tax credit scholarships. This takes time, focused effort, and above all: it requires relationship building. Growing your EITC program will not happen overnight, so be patient and invest in relationship building. Need help attracting and retaining EITC donors? Check out RedefinED for help with growing enrollment and growing donors!

If you’d like to learn more about the EITC program, ScholarshipReport.org, and visit
the Department of Community and Economic Development to learn how your school can take advantage of tax credit scholarships.
