Looking for an EITC scholarship for your student? EITC scholarships are available to children in grades K-12 and can be used at many private schools across Pennsylvania. Eligible families must have an annual income of no more than $112,348 plus $19,775 for each dependent member of the household. The average scholarship award is $2,583, but the amount will vary by school, with some schools offering more and some offering less. To take apply for an EITC scholarship, follow the steps below!


Identify which school is best for your child. You can find a list of possible schools here, here, here, and here. Check out the school online, schedule an in-person tour, and ask about EITC and other financial aid options.


Apply to the school of your choice. The earlier you apply (typically mid-September to March 1st), the better your chances are of receiving an EITC scholarship. You will need to provide proof of income to qualify and will need to complete an online application that is separate from the admissions application.


Accept and enroll. Once your child has been accepted to the
school you will be notified of the financial aid packages available for your child. All EITC funds (and most other scholarship packages) are paid directly to the school, not to the parent. Accept the admissions and financial aid offers and begin planning for your child to attend a new school!